Membership dues are still $25 per year, beginning September 1 each year through August 31 of the following year. Dues are prorated to $15 in March for a partial year for NEW members. Membership benefits include admission to all general meetings and activity days, eligibility to win door prizes, bi-monthly newsletters, first chance to enroll in workshops and retreats, and the ability to check out books and other material from our lending library.
Visitors are welcome at all meetings and activities, but must pay $10 when there is a visiting speaker at general meetings. Guests pay a $5 fee to attend our Activity Day, and an additional $10 for workshops and an additional $20 for retreats, if all available spaces aren't filled by members.
To join, download the membership form and complete it. You may bring it to the general meeting or mail it with your payment to:
North Idaho Quilters
PO Box 777
Hayden, ID 83835
Wearing a name tag is a great way to get to know one another. Quilted name tags are very fun and easy to make. Click the link on the Members Only page to download the name tag instructions. Once you have your name tag sewn, please remember to write or sew your name with dark ink or thread so that it is easily readable. Be creative and make your name tag a quilted representation of you!
There is a 25 cent fine for not wearing your badge. Those proceeds go to fund our Library.